Update: International Symposium Barbet
The document to be filled has been slightly modified – It can be downloaded here
The document to be filled has been slightly modified – It can be downloaded here
On August 4th in France, there will be an International Symposium hosted by the Club du Barbet, Lagotto et autres Chiens de Eau (French Club) and the Société Centrale Canine […]
It is sometimes difficult to manage with all differences in breeding rules in different countries. Carmela Wyss (Vom Springbell kennel) had prepared an useful summary to make it much easier […]
The graph above shows percentage of overall number of birth by each country. The graph includes all known dogs since 1920s
The graph shows the average COI of born puppies per year. The average COI was counted in eight generations, as the average pedigree has 7,3 complete generations. What was not […]
As today the barbet population around the world is around 1540 dogs (assuming average lifespan of a dog as 13 years). The population is growing fast and has almost quadrupled […]