1907 – “Manuel pratique de l’amateur de chiens […]” – Larbalétrier, Albert
24e classe. —Le chien courant (G. cursor).
25e — Le basset (C brevierikus tibis.
26e classe. — Le braque (C. sagax).
27e — Le braque de Bengale.
28e — L’épagneul (C. Hispanicus).
29e — Le petit épagneul (C. H. minor).
30e — Le barbet ou caniche.
31e — Le petit barbet.
32e — Le gredin (C. brevipilis).
33e — Le bouffe.
34e — Le bichon (C. melitoeus).
35° — Le chien-lion.
36e — Le chien de Calabre.
37e — Le chien de Terre-Neuve (Canis aquoetilis).
38e classe. — Le terrier ou renardier.
39e •— Le chien d’Alicante.
40e — Le griffon.
41e — Le barbet-griffon.
Categorization of breeds from 1907 by french author Larbalétrier, Albert. “Barbet” is used three different times as a part of breeds’ names. Barbet ou caniche (that is what we now call Poodle) was different breed than barbet-griffon, for which the standard was written and is now called simply – Barbet. Should give some explanation to doubts concerning the origins of the breed and its naming (Griffon of course).